The Anger Games

Put-downs, emotional control and cutting you off from your friends. This is the new face of domestic [...]
I wanted to die from cruel bullying that I suffered at secondary school

Alysha Buttress was really excited about starting secondary school – until someone called her fat. From then on, [...]
Inside the school that’s dedicated to helping children who are victims of bullying

With her pretty, heart-shaped face and braces on her teeth, Tori looks like a typical teenager. Read [...]
Lesbian marriage couple’s agonising split as kids are caught in middle

It seemed the perfect arrangement when lesbian marriage partners Kirsty Cox and Anna Jones decided to start a [...]
‘I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about dying’: Female soldier describes life on the frontline

Lacey Turner stars in army drama Our Girl this Sunday about a soldier in Afghanistan so we asked Sgt Becci Taylor [...]